> I've been rendering into yuv4mpeg format and have noticed that the
> aspect ratio header in the output yuv file is not properly set. My
> original project is ntsc-dv in a quicktime-for-linux container with a
> 4:3 aspect ratio. When I render to yuv4mpeg then do: 
>     cat mymovie.yuv | head -n 1 
> it shows a 10/11 aspect ratio:
>     YUV4MPEG2 W720 H480 F30000:1001 Ib A10:11 C420jpeg
> Mplayer reports a 1.36:1 ratio using -identify. The problem with this is
> that subsequent pipes to yuvdeinterlace result in black bands at the top
> and bottom of the image. I also noticed the interlacing field bug in
> batch rendering, but this can be fixed with a call to yuvcorrect.

I'll reply to my own post :) Turns out it's a problem with yuvdeinterlace, 
not Cinelerra. My bad...


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