Alec Robertson wrote:
> I have NTSC DV footage for which ...
> I can use the projector y-motion to center the subject vertically
> But, I noticed that when I then do a frames to fields that the interlacing
> order changes between successive fields. This is as one would expect
> Is there a way to preserve the interlacing under such conditions? 

Hi Alec,

as far as I can see, there is no easy workaround. (We encountered the
same problem in our project). You can take two different approaches:

1) if it's clear that the final product will be progressive (e.g. if 
   you plan to make a movie for internet distribution with low bandwidth),
   than you can throw away the additional information contained in your
   interlaced footage by applying a deinterlacer and working on the
   deinterlaced material.

2) if you want to preserve the interlacing (e.g. if you want to watch
   the final result on a tv screen) and you want the effect in high
   quality, then the only way doing soin cinelerra is to extract the 
   fields to separate frames with doubled frame rate, i.e. you render 
   your footage with fields to frames effect to a intermediate movie 
   clip with doubled frame rate. Then you apply your pan/mask/whatever 
   effect in a separate cinelerra session which runs with doubled 
   frame rate and finally you reintegrate your processed footage 
   by using the frames to fields effect.

hope this helps,

PS: Note that "progressive" was sort of a buzzword in the last years.
This doesn't mean that progressive is "always better", only under
certain circumstances :-)

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