the slack package:
(needs the dependencies as the unpatched r836)

rafael diniz

Em Qua 23 Ago 2006 19:27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
> Am Mittwoch, den 23.08.2006, 20:31 +0200 schrieb Nicolas:
> Could you please explain the syntax to apply the patch? I'm not familiar
> > at all with that command...
> Hello Nicolas,
> patching is simple, you just feed the patch to stdin of the patch command.
> The only complication is the "-p" parameter, which ist necessary in almost
> all cases. Its purpose is, that the patch command can find the target files
> it has to patch on /your/ system. As a
> reference, it usess the paths and filenames provided in the patch file,
> but it removes a prefix from each given path before it tries to find
> the target file on your system. There are examples in the manpage,
> but -- actually in this case, it is simple (I just wrote the explanation
> because I never like people doing things "blind" without them knowing
> at least a bit of what is happening....)
> OK. You have the *.zip file containing the patch.
> 1. go to the root directory of your cinelerra source tree (i.e. the
>    directory containing the cinelerra/ guicast/ plugins/ and debian/
>    dirs)
> 2. unpack the zip from there:
>      unzip
>    as a result, it should place the four new png files into the
>    plugin/suv/data  ....etc... dirs
>    and it should unpack the patch itself in the root of the source tree.
> 3. apply the patch with
>      patch -p 0 < bezier_patch-1hiv20060818.patch
>    he should report just that he is patching some source files, but no
>    errors and no additional questions. If something fails at this point,
>    then please mail me again!
> 4. build and install
> You wrote :
> > > One final word to the compatibility ...
> >
> > ...
> > if you afterwards open a session file edited with the patched
> >
> > > Cinelerra in a old version of Cinelerra, your control points will
> > > again show up in the old (strange) way, but with their horizontal
> > > position reset to zero, i.e. they will show up exactly above and below
> > > the corresponging automation node.
> >
> > Does that mean the curves will be transformed into straight lines?
> > No, the curvature of the line is retained, only the display of the
> control points is messed up slightly. The explanation why this is
> the case is given in the manual section you cited: the way it is
> implemented in cinelerra, the /horizontal/ position of the control
> point is irrelevant, only the vertical position matters.
> > BTW, it's written in the official Cinelerra manual :
> > ...
> >  While the input control and the output control can be
> >
> > > moved horizontally as well as vertically, the horizontal movement is
> > > purely for legibility and isn't used in the curve value.
> that's fine! I wasn't aware of this section in the manual.
> I always draged the keyframes horizontally and expected the curve to
> change, as I would expect it from a full-fledged implementation of
> bezier curves, and it seemed to change something (actualliy it didn't)
> an so I felt betrayed and got angry. This is, why I made this fact
> explicit in my patch: there you can only drag the points vertical.
> There is another reason why I changed this: if you can drag the
> control point horizontally as you like and this has really no
> effect (as it is in cinelerra up to now), the so called
> "tangent property" of bezier curves is completely messed up.
> This tangent property means, that the line from the node to
> the control point is at the same time the tangent on the
> smooth curve in this node, i.e. the slope of the curve
> at this side of the node.
> > This my English isn't very good, I miss the point...
> > please tell me, if I express myself too complicated.
> I'm not a native speaker as well, and (worse) I studied
> math some long time ago :-) and thus tend to express myself
> overly complicated at times ;-)
> Cheers,
> Hermann
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> Cinelerra mailing list

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