On Wed, Sep 13, 2006 at 11:23:28AM +0200, Richard Rasker wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to get better control over the quality of an MPEG result,
> found this one (among many similar solutions) in the mailing list
> archives:
> "Export as an YUV4MPEG stream and use a pipe to encode the YUV stream :
>  yuvcorrect -v 0 -T INTERLACED_BOTTOM_FIRST | mpeg2enc -v 0 -r 32 -4 1 
>  -2 1 -D 10 -g 15 -G 15 -q 5 -b 9400 -f 8 -o $1 
>  Export an AC3 sound stream at 224 kbps
>  Mplex everything with :
>  mplex -f 8 -V audio.ac3 video.m2v -o movie.mpeg"
> And there are many more references to piping - quite justified, as it
> prevents *huge* temporary files from being created (the YUV4MPEG stream
> is about 1GB per minute of video). Otrherwise, one would need at least
> 60GB of free HD space at all times for every hour of video rendering.
> Alas, there's one thing I somehow don't understand: how exactly do I
> pipe the output from Cinelerra to the yuvcorrect line?
> I thought I understood pipes (they're equally simple as useful), but I
> can't seem to make it work here. I tried the following procedure:
> [CLI]:       mkfifo cinepipe
> [Cinelerra]: Render to YUV4MPEG Stream - file name: cinepipe
> [CLI]:       yuvcorrect ... -o video.m2v < cinepipe
> However, Cinelerra says it's busy rendering, but it just sits there and
> does nothing; nor does top show any activity in the yuvcorrect/mpeg2enc
> department.
> I suspect that Cinelerra somehow has trouble with named pipes - if I
> replace the last CLI command with cat cinepipe > /dev/null, there's
> still no progress in Cinelerra.
> I'm pretty certain that the solution is *really* simple - but I'm afraid
> that I'm even simpler - too simple in fact to see it. Google turned up
> lots of tips about plumbing, and the usual explanations and examples
> about the | symbol, but nothing much useful on using pipes to process
> (stream) output from GUI applications.
> Thanks in advance for any explanation,
> Regards,
> Richard Rasker

Hello Richard,

I described the steps in the Wiki page :
(at the bottom of the page)

Nicolas, Paris.

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