> It has now built, and I'm about to test it!!! :-D
> Hope that helps someone else get it compiled on an AMD64 under Ubuntu
> Dapper. I'll report back on how well it runs.

Or not.

> Tim
I had the same problems (I posted the videodevice.h fix).
For the libx264 problem I noticed that there were 2 files in /usr/lib


I just did the following

$sudo mv /usr/lib/libx264.a /usr/lib/libx264_non_pic.a
$sudo cp /usr/lib/libx264_pic.a /usr/lib/libx264.a

I noticed that. i was going to get around to trying that. I even
compiled my own libx264, and that was when I noticed both files. I'll
try that.

Currently, I'm still not having any luck running it. I wonder if it
has anything to do with prefix=/usr/local

it starts to load, I even see the "Splash" screen, and then it gets to
initialising GUI.... and it all disappears, and I get:
MWindow::init_theme: theme SUV not found.
I've tried changing the appropriate 'defaults' and rebuilding, it was
S.U.V. which didn't work, I've tried suv, Suv, SUV, bluedot, BLUEDOT,
etc etc. I noticed that if the rc file is set to Blond, it overrides
it and sets it to SUV, (what ever DEFAULT_THEME is set to) but I still
can't get it to work! From my look in /usr/local/lib/cinelerra it
seems on Blond and Suv appear to be built. I can't see why they aren't
being used though! A strace and grep shows that many items are
accessed in the plugins dir, but I don't see a stat on suv items. :(

And yes, I wiped ~/.bcast (well moved it to a new location)

This is with the videodevice.h fix as I've not been able to get it to
compile without it.

Any ideas? I'm trying a complete start from scratch, with the
videodevice fix, and libx264 swap around. Will update you when I have
some results.


I would be very interested to hear how it works for you.

My system is Kubuntu Dapper,  AMD 64 X2 4200+ , 2GB RAM, nVidia graphics

Soon... I should get a X2 4600, and another GB of RAM. So following
your format...
Ubuntu Dapper, AMD 64 3000+, 1GB  RAM, nVidia graphics. Of course...
then we can start bragging about HDD space, but I think that's unfair,
as I just bought a new 250Gb for a project in a few weeks... It seems
each year, when this project comes around, I buy an even bigger drive
than last year! 120 last year, I filled it in the week, this year I'll
see what happens! :-D

Linux Counter user #273956

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