I created a project using Cinelerra 2.0 from Gentoo portage
(build is
from a CVS shapshot from June). I upgraded Cinelerra to 2.1
using an ebuild which pulls down from svn and builds that,
and whenever I
try to open the "old" project file, it dies with this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/Music $ cinelerra music4.xml
Cinelerra 2.1CV Thu Sep 21 08:15:43 CDT 2006 SVN Version
(C)2006 Heroine Virtual Ltd.

Cinelerra is free software, covered by the GNU General
Public License,
and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of
it under
certain conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for
mpeg3io_open_file: No such file or directory
signal_entry: got SIGSEGV my pid=22859 execution table
    mwindowedit.C: paste_edls: 1429
    mwindowedit.C: paste_edls: 1433
    mwindowedit.C: paste_edls: 1474
    mwindowedit.C: paste_edls: 1547
    mwindowedit.C: paste_edls: 1576
    mwindowedit.C: paste_edls: 1580
    mwindowedit.C: paste_edls: 1591
    mwindowedit.C: paste_edls: 1594
    filempeg.C: open_file: 164
    vrender.C: run: 414
    vrender.C: process_buffer: 103
    vrender.C: process_buffer: 113
    vrender.C: run: 414
    vrender.C: process_buffer: 103
    vrender.C: process_buffer: 113
    filempeg.C: open_file: 164
signal_entry: lock table size=12
    0x8b696a8 CWindowTool::input_lock CWindowTool::run
    0x8cbe630 BC_Repeater::repeat_lock BC_Repeater::run
    0x8c2da58 Cinelerra: music4.xml MWindow::paste_edls *
    0x8c2da58 Cinelerra: music4.xml MainIndexes::run 1
    0x8d04108 RotateEngine::input_lock RotateEngine::run
    0x8d387c0 RotateEngine::input_lock RotateEngine::run
    0x8c2c3f8 CICache::total_lock CICache::check_out *
    0x89d5538 Cinelerra: Resources MWindow::update_project *
    0x8c2c3f8 CICache::total_lock CICache::check_out
    0x8c2b590 TransportQue::output_lock PlaybackEngine::run
    0x8b68ff8 TransportQue::output_lock PlaybackEngine::run
    0x8f94d70 CICache::total_lock CICache::check_out *
BC_Signals::dump_buffers: buffer table size=0
BC_Signals::delete_temps: deleting 0 temp files
SigHandler::signal_handler total files=0

What has happened? Thanks!


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