On Sun, 2006-01-10 at 18:12 +0900, Miha Kitič wrote:
> So Robert, if my understanding of C is correct...
> When you set volume to or bellow -40dB
> then mute is forced automatically. And this my
> possible cause glitch. If this is an issue for you then
> you have one of the several alternatives:

I think we are getting our wires crossed here because we have been using
different versions. The cinelerra-cvs ebuild I was using with gentoo
didn't cut out the sound when it was minimised. It actually remained
clearly audible to untrained ears, just a little quieter than normal
volume. I have now switched to Ubuntu, for which I have installed
cinelerra from a 3rd party repository, but I get the same problem.

This obviously means that I haven't tried the more recent SVN versions
with the auto muting enabled, but if the auto muting kicks in at the
same level as the minimum sound level on the builds I have just
mentioned, then I would expect the glitch to be quite a big one.

The cinelerra version (1.2?) on the live cd I tried recently, as I said,
didn't seem to have this problem, although I would really want to test
it in a quieter room to be sure. A small glitch I could live with--then
the workaround with the external editor might make sense, but if the
glitch is a big one then this just won't do and I will, as you suggest,
Miha, have to try another editor (or a much older version of cinelerra).


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