I installed debian etch yesterday and decided to compile cinelerra
from svn. Since the install was minimalistic, I used ./configure to
help me find the (numerous) missing development libraries. After the
final summary told me that all were found, compilation broke a few
times because ./configure missed a few.

Missing packages that weren't reported as missing:

libxxf86vm-dev -- X11/extentions/xf86vmode.h
libxv-dev -- X11/extensions/Xvlib.h
libtiff4-dev -- tiffio.h

Are these the dependencies alluded to on
http://cvs.cinelerra.org/svnusage.php: "Most of the missing
dependencies should be listed after running ./configure, (and the rest
can be somewhat worked out from the compile error message you get.)"?
In other words, is this build process expected?


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