On 2007-01-06, Nicolas Maufrais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 06, 2007 at 03:53:52AM +0000, Grant Edwards wrote:
>> I've been working my way through tutorials/examples/manuals,
>> and they keep referring me to edit mode buttons that I can't
>> find!
>> Where are the edit mode buttons???
> On the upper part of the program window. Which version/revision do you
> use? It is Cinelerra-CV r943 or r944?


I'm using the gentoo ebuild   media-video/cinelerra-cvs-20061020

FWIW, here's what my main program window looks like:


I've done some more searching through the mailing list archive
and have found a thread from October that talks about merging
the two edit modes. I presume would eliminate the edit mode

It appears that the Gentoo ebuild snapshot was taken at about
that same time, so I'm guessing that the feature got removed,
the Gentoo maintainer took a snapshot, people complained about
the feature loss, the feature got put back, and I'm using a
snapshot that was taken at just the wrong moment.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I guess we can live
                                  at               on his POT FARM in HADES!!

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