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Hi Flavio, thanks for your volunteering spirit.

flavio wrote:
Nathan, hallellujah! That's the answer I was hoping for. Thanks. As soon as
possible, I'll see as to get people into action here. Just to diminish the
error-margin of comprehension here though, what we could do here is:

1. go inside the directories (cd), one by one:

./mplexlo: 3
./po: 22

2. There, we could run a command such as "cat name_of_the_file | grep
license" or something and check one file by one for what shows up.

Is that it?

Well, I don't think we can absolutely rely on automated tests (i.e. grep -Ei '(LGPL|GPL|MPL)', etc.) because what we're looking for (non-standard licenses) are by definition, "non standard" :) and thus you couldn't guarantee your grep will find them them.

I think a human needs to visually check the first page or so of each file. I just tried this in the toolame-02l directory:

for f in `find . -type f`; do echo "$f"; less $f; read flag; if [ ! "$flag" = "y" ]; then echo "$f" >> flagged.list; fi; done

First, make terminal window as tall as you can.
1. now first file is sent through less, hit space to see more of the file, hit 'q' when you've identified a license (or lack thereof) 2. hit 'y' and ENTER if this file has a special license (the name of the file will be added to the list), otherwise just hit ENTER (file not added to list).
3. you'll automatically loop to next file.

My toolame flagged.list shows:

Some of which show fairly interesting license history, looks like a bit of a mess to sort out. I suggest you work on other dirs for now.

Sorry for being so detailist, but I have to be 100% sure of what
we have to do here, because the last thing we would like to happen is check
manually 5.000 files and find out we have done it wrong and the work was
useless. Once we start, we won't stop, so your answer is quite important.

No, what's needed here *is* a detailist. :)


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