> Check out:
> https://svn.bourget.cc/svn/wackystuff/programs/CreateCinelerraSequence/
> It's a script that creates a JPEGLIST or PNGLIST out of a bunch of PNG
> files. This way, it loads into Cinelerra as *one* single video, and
> doesn't take the overhead of loading thousands of assets.

php! - necesity is the mother of invention

I have written a bash script for exactly the same function over the last
few days.  It seems to be pretty solid.


To use it I move the script into my /usr/bin:
mv cp ~/animtext.sh /usr/bin/animtext
Then, in a terminal,  go to the directory with the image files and type 
The script should identify the filetype and create and index file.
Optional parameters:
animtext filetype framerate filepath
as in:
animtext png 23.976 animation/sources/1

If you don't like my default framerate of 12 then hack the script.

I have another script which works but which needs some debugging.  It is
triggered when I hotplug my camera.  It downloads the images into a date
indexed folder, does pre-processing of raw, jpg and png images, rotates
180 degrees if neccessary , changes aspect ratios if neccessary and then
calls this animtext script.  The idea is to keep mechanical processing
out of cinelerra and have a better experience in terms of render speed
and previewing...  My animation workflow is getting pretty smooth with a
bit of amateur bash programming.
I will post a link to the second script once it is more solid.

Graham E.

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