flavio wrote:
There, there, sorry for the immense delay - I had to check most of the files by myself after all and in a moment in which work was violent around here:

File checking has reached its end. Notes are below.

Flavio, thanks very much for carrying this through!

(Sorry that right after I set up the inital wiki page I dropped off the face of the mailing list -- first very busy, then my motherboard died.)

To summarize where we are, then, all is OK, except the projects below. We need to find answers/resolutions to these license disparities:

./debian      - ( cvs-clean.pl probably could just be removed )

In my limited time (very small once you get a kid!) I hope to pursue this further. This whole deal may be difficult though, since things like toolame (mp3-encoder) are inherently not acceptable to debian/ubuntu in software-patentable countries.


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