Martin Ellison wrote:
As I have previously posted, I had a similar PIC problem on an AMD on FC6 (ie dual 64/32 bit). So the problem is wider than your specific distro, but seems to be onlly reported for 64 bit. I fixed it by compiling for external ffmpeg.

If the linker cannot find g++ -- have you installed gcc properly?
Your email arrived just as I got to this point.

For some reason I hadn't installed the normal g++ package just the versioned g++ packages. Putting that in got me a bit further. But the flag you suggest --with-external-ffmpeg didn't help with the building - I believe my experience there matches a bug <> already filed on incompatibility between most recent ffmpeg and cinelerra cv. Some api changes made to ffmpeg I think...

So I had to solve the problems with building internal ffmpeg and fPIC. The flags on my successful compile on cinelerra were:
./configure --with-pic --disable-shared --enable-static

But before that I followed the instructions here <> to compile my own x264 from svn revision 536:
check out
svn co svn:// x264 -r536
compiled with the flags:
./configure --extra-cflags=-fPIC --extra-asflags=-D__PIC__

I'm not sure whether this x264 was neccessary - I was groping around in the dark here.

so the final steps were
./configure --with-pic --disable-shared --enable-static
sudo make install

All the configure flags turned out to be neccessary for a successful build. But...a new problem - cinelerra won't run. It says themes are missing... See my new thread: [CinCVS] theme S.U.V. not found.

Graham E.

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