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Graham Evans schrieb:
> Hi Hermann
>> work. On debian, this is very common a problem with the libx264. So
>> provide in their package both versions, one built with -fpic and one
>> built with -fPIC. 
> I've actually built a new x264 according to some instructions I found on
> a ubuntu forum.  I'm pretty sure I got that part right -also none of my
> errors seem to relate to x264 so far.

just wanted to point out: the problem of some objects to be liked dynamically
but not beeing built with -fPIC is the most common source of build problems
on x86_64. I learned to look at this first when problems pop up: are really
all (note all) parts to be linked in built with -fPIC ??

>> CFLAGS=-ffast-math -msse3 -march=athlon64 -funroll-loops
>> -minline-all-stringops -fprefetch-loop-arrays -fPIC
>> CXXFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) -fno-check-new
>> CONFFLAGS+=--enable-sse3 --with-pic
> This is excellent detail thank you.  I've played around with your flags
> in various configurations but so far **no success**.  What I really need
> to know is whether these are the flags are passed to the cinelerra build
> process as a whole or whether your script is building cinelerra in parts
> and these flags were just those given to the internal ffmpeg.  Or
> perhaps the make in the quicktime directory?

to the build process as a whole. As far as I can see, the debian buildscript
passes this flags to configure. The CONFFFLAGS are passed directly as command
line flags to configure, and the other are passed in some of the multible
ways you describe to ./configure, which on its part just builds those flags
into every generated makefile. The net effect is, that *every* compiler
invocation sees the
CFLAGS=-ffast-math -msse3 -march=athlon64 -funroll-loops -minline-all-stringops
- -fprefetch-loop-arrays -fPIC
CFLAGS=-ffast-math -msse3 -march=athlon64 -funroll-loops -minline-all-stringops
- -fprefetch-loop-arrays -fPIC -fno-check-new

This is the important part. I.e. you should verify in the output of the make
command, that you find this sequence of flags really in the generated command
invocations somewhere (of courese there are some additional flags and there is 
the list
of libs to include and the path to the source to compile -- but you should find 
flags literally in every gcc or g++ invocation. This means esp. that in *every*
invocation there is a -fPIC at some point (and no -fpic)

> When I tried them on cinelerra as a whole I got various different
> results but so far none of them look like progress.

But the problem is allways in the included ffmpeg directory?

> When I tried these flags after descending into quicktime or ffmpeg
> directories this caused the build to abort quickly with:
> gcc: cannot specify -o with -c or -S with multiple files
so something in the generated comandline has been messed up.
Another hint: you can copy out the commandline of the MAKE output
then just walk into the directory and try it out on a single file.
So you find out the correct one.
Then you could hand edit the Makefile just in the FFMPEG directory
to insert the right CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS (of cours this hand edits
are lost as soon as you re-invoke ./configure).

When the problem ist just one subdirectory, you can try to get it
compiled separately (as Hannes proposed). When the main MAKE-process
is re-started, it just checks that ther are the compiled *.o files
in this directory and happily proceeds with the next directory.
The last important command in the build process is allways the link
command. You can easily spot it in the output, because it contains
a long list of *.o files and finally the executalble or lib to be linked.
This ist the command which fails when some of the Objects were compiled
with wrong or just differing swichtes (e.g. mixed -fpic or -fPIC  ;-)
you see, in the course of time you just get paranoid.... )

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