On 2007-05-16 02:12, marquitux caballero wrote:
> Hi, is this the rigth way to ask for a feature? there is some missing stuff 
> in cinelerra, wich I think some should take care of. Perhaps someone is 
> already working on this, but please tellme, I´m not a coder, but you can 
> count on my colaboration as a designer/editor/or qherever you need.

Sure, this is a good place to propose ideas.  There are not very many
active developers, so ideas for people who want to do that work, or
funding are also helpful.

> THIRD missing feature: look and feel
>      SUV, look much better than blonde and bluedot (try not to remember), 
> but seriously, come on, SUV looks pro because you can´t see much, it´s 
> dark... and flat, greenlerra looks promising, but still, is not difficult to 
> make it look like the REST OF THE DESKTOP (gnome/kde) or even better, but  
> most of us can´t compile cinelerra (I never could, and I try a lot), is 
> really necesary to have compiled themes? Isn´t there another way to load 
> themes? like xmms, or inkscape, come on, I want to contribute, and I have 
> drawn several themes for cinelerra but I can´t use those.

If you have artwork for a theme, and can provide it in electronic form,
along with the text colors associated, it would not be as large a task
for a developer or new contributor to make it into a full theme.  (So,
if you have drawn a theme, and really complete all the elements for the
multiple dialogs and widgets, please do post that portion so someone can
work on adding it.  Please also release the artwork under a GPL
compatible license if you want to contribute it.)


Lots of other great ideas in your email.  There is always more to do!


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