
I'm using Cinelerra as part of an open source pipeline for more-or-less traditional-looking 2D animation. I draw backgrounds and character animation in Inkscape and Gimp, export still frames as true color pngs, and assemble clips in Cinelerra to composite with sound, effects, etc. I've been working on getting good at the mechanics of the process (basic interface stuff, panning and zooming still image backgrounds, dissolves, and so on) and have so far been using quicktime for linux as my output. It's fine for this stage, but I'm seeing some noticeable degradation of the png images in the resulting animation files. In particular, the edges are soft and out of focus and they generally lack sufficient detail. Since I'm intending these for web delivery (probably youtube or something similar), they'll get compressed again as flv files, so I want to use the best starting compression available so the images start out as clear as possible.

So, out of the available options for Cinelerra, what codec or compression scheme would that be? Or are there other considerations I'm not accounting for that may be causing this loss of clarity?

I'd appreciate any help. Also, if I haven't given enough info for a good response, feel free to ask me questions. I have a general (and hopefully growing) understanding of this process, but I'm no expert at this point (obviously!).


Matt Jordan

PS - I am aware of the open source animation projects Synfig and Ktoon, but neither of those is really ready for production yet nor do they seem likely to be ready in the near future. Besides, neither one can really touch Inkscape's drawing tools at this point.

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