On Sun, 12 Aug 2007, Kevin Brosius wrote:
> Have you considered doing a dvd/cd release on one of the online
> publishers?  You make a small clip available for download, so that
> people see enough to like or not like your film.  Then you point them at
> the online publisher who will ship them a cd/dvd for $5-15US.

I've released a video file through Lulu and generally been pleased:

That one is set up to allow free downloads, though I think they require
some amount of registration process from downloaders.  The Lulu system
also allows authors to set up for-a-fee downloads, or CDs or DVDs that
people can order for physical delivery.  The prices are not super-cheap
but basically reasonable.  This kind of thing would probably work well for
Cinelerra examples and code.  The video I link above was made with
Cinelerra, but I can't claim it's a wondefully impressive example; it was
shot with a Web cam at a low frame rate and is mostly just a talking head.
Matthew Skala
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    Embrace and defend.

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