Kevin Brosius wrote:
> On 2007-08-15 17:36, Christian Thaeter wrote:
>> This my maybe arguable view how to hive Cinelerra CV out of its
>> develoment stall:
>> 1) Change the focus of CinelerraCV
>> 2) Stop using SVN
>> 3) Make releases
>> 4) Make tracking HV less important
> I've been pretty silent on these issues so far, not wanted to put a
> damper on new ideas and contributions, but looking at all the ideas
> makes me think you should really consider a true fork.
I think declaring this a true fork would be contraproductive, my least
intention is to divert the cinelerra community, I wan't to get some new
drive where people are motivated to contribute. At some extent, this
will only work if the Community supports this (if not, fine, stay where
you are). Yet alone the discussion started now may hopefully yield some
result which leads to little progress.

> You've proposed:
for current CinelerraCV:
>   * Changing the project goals
>   * Changing the project tools

As new project:
>   * Redesigning the core of Cin
>   * Rewriting the core of Cin

Take this as 2 different things which don't depend on each other and
could happen each one alone and in parallel.

> I think you won't get much feedback from the older core developers since
> these goals are so large and you haven't tackled a smaller piece of Cin
> first.
I have done little work in my branches but get demotivated by this
'bottomless pit' discovery and that there is no much perspective to get
new things merged into the SVN trunk because it breaks the current
concept. I think thats exactly what many other potential contributors
see. There are patches and contributions rotting somewhere.

> The other thing that comes to mind is that you shouldn't co-opt the
> Cinelerra name for a new project (Cinelerra 3) if Adam does not
> contribute a reasonable portion of the code.  It is, after all, his
> video editor.  As the Cinelerra 2 code base is GPL, you can certainly
> use portions of it for a new design with attribution to Adam.
I agree that we could only name it Cinelerra 3 when Adam supports this
decision. We will certainly reuse some of his code and I have the hope
that he contributes/joins the efforts somehow/sometime, but thats really
up to him and I don't want to make guesses unless he speaks out. So far
we would like to name it cinelerra 3 because out intention is to create
the next incarnation of cinelerra and not just another video editor.

> The amount of work proposed for the new project is not unlike the scope
> of a project we presently have running at work.  It's probably a 10 year
> project until completion.  I suspect the core contributors are not
> thinking about a full rewrite at this time.
Well, then think about it. I know that this is a massive task for the
next few years and we won't or even can't do it alone without support
and help from the rest of the community.

> I'd like to hear their thoughts also, of course.
Me too, well I can only stress that this might be started by a few
people as now, giving it a seed and motivation, but it will require the
experience and involvement of more people in future to become a success.


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