On Mon, 2007-08-20 at 12:38 +0100, Mark Carter wrote:
> As regards scripting interface - I have begun interfacing with ficl.  
> I'm beginning to wonder if ECL (Embedded Common Lisp) might be a  
> really good thing to use - you get all the high levelness of Lisp,  
> with the integrabitlity with C.

Personally, lisp is not to my taste.

> This has again raised the issue of  
> the desirability of a generic scripting interface, where there's a  
> level of separation between C and the backend language. I'm worried,  
> though, if it is hubris to attempt such a thing.

I don't think it's hubris to implement a clean separation between C
scripting API and scripting language. I think it's clear-minded sanity.

Please, _please_ focus on presenting an elegant, consistent,
easily-learned C API. Then anyone can paint a thin language-specific
scripting layer over the top to their own taste.

I've done that myself more than once, with my FICL adventures of years
past. Put the time into getting the C layer right, then the FICL
primitives take only minutes to code over the top.

But now, I find my time is much more productively spent if I do stuff in
Python, so I'll be writing a Pyrex wrapper. If your API is clean, I'll
have a full Python wrapper built, debugged and documented in an
afternoon or less. Heaven!!

> It's something that  
> the Lispers, for example, have had a go at with their various  
> implementations, and it seems like even they've never gotten their  
> compatability 100% right.

That might be a Lisp cultural thing.

> Imagine the idea of libcinelerra combined with a scripting  
> environment.  I think such a thing would be very popular. At the very  
> least, it would be useful for testing purposes.

IMHO, having a 'libcinelerra' at the core is an absolute must. With a
thin scripting language layer on top, it allows all manner of operations
to be automated (and thus easily tested/debugged).


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