On Mon, 27 Aug 2007, marquitux caballero wrote:
> keyframing... but still we can`t  move 2 or 3 clips together, if we don`t
> copy and paste silences, and WATCHOUT! the armed tracks must be correct, so
> if you plan to meve this 2 clips and that 2 clips, WAIT, ARM JUST THOSE
> TRACKS, copy and paste silences, STOP!, GO ARM THE OTHER TRACKs, and now you

In more detail:  the reason this "feature" doesn't exist is that in
Cinelerra, when you select part of the timeline you are selecting part of
the *timeline* - that is, something like "from 1:23 to 4:56".  You aren't
selecting objects on the screen such as edits.  So when you cut and paste,
you are cutting and pasting whatever is on the timeline during the times
you have selected.  If you want to edit some tracks while leaving others
untouched, that's what the arming and disarming of tracks is for.  If you
want to move things in several tracks at once to several other tracks,
that is a complicated operation because it is a complicated operation: you
need to think about what time ranges and what tracks you are moving from
and moving to, and communicate those decisions to Cinelerra using the
arm/disarm controls.  Moving things from track to track requires
explicitly selecting time and tracks because those are the things you're
operating on.  You can't just say "move these edits over here" because
edits are not the things being moved.  Edits within a track do not, from a
control perspective, have a separate existence independent of the time
ranges and tracks in which they exist.

This paradigm of editing the tracks and the timeline, not the clips
themselves, feels natural to people who are accustomed to editing with
tape, because tape works the same way (you edit the tape, not the things
on the tape).  It apparently doesn't feel natural to people accustomed to
editing with Premiere, where clips have an existence of their own and can
be selected independently of the time and tracks that contain them.
Cinelerra does contain a limited concession to Premiere-like editing in
the "drag and drop" mode, although if it were up to me, we wouldn't have
that - I've always found it extremely frustrating and it doesn't fit
with the rest of the system.

The concept that selection applies to tracks and time, not individual
edits, is baked into Cinelerra on a deep level.  This is not a minor user
interface issue.  It's not something that we could change easily if only
we stopped being silly and ignoring usability.  It's not going to change
with anything short of a complete rewrite of the entire package.  I also
don't think it'll change even *with* a complete rewrite, because changing
it would require drastic redesign, and would not provide any benefits that
developers consider important.  The only benefit of changing selection to
work on edits instead of on time and tracks, is that it *might* make the
interface more intuitive for *some* Premiere users.  I'm not convinced
that there are many potential users who would care, nor that the ones who
think they would care, would even actually benefit from such a change in
the long run anyway.

So I really don't believe that this is a problem worth fixing.  I don't
believe it is a problem at all.
Matthew Skala
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    Embrace and defend.

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