Terje J. Hanssen wrote:
> Not directly Cinelerra related, but yet:
> I plan to "refresh" or backup my Analog S-video footages after DV
> conversion to hard disk and from there record back to camcorder DV
> tapes. Especially as I have footages on several 90 minutes Hi8 tapes, I
> wonder if I can use 60 minutes Premium DV tapes and record in LP mode to
> fit the same content? I expect it is no idea to go up to a higher
> quality DV tape in LP mode in comparison with the price for dual Premium
> DV tapes in SP mode.
> May DV in LP mode decrease the video/audio quality of the converted DV,
> possibly more drop outs etc?

Yes, the recorded video quality in LP mode is exactly the same as in SP
but: LP mode is archived by moving the tape slower, resulting in more
tight tracks on the tape. At playback time there may be more errors
which player may or may not compensate by ECC. I wont suggest LP for
long time/high quality storage and/or low quality tapes. Better make
some evaluation how your camcorder works with certain brands of tapes ..
or just forget about that idea if you want long time storage.


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