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Herman Robak schrieb:
> I am glad you asked.  "Cin3" is a not even a fork of Cinelerra,
> it's a rewrite.
> It's about time to get another name.  We needed that extra push.

Heroine Virtual Ltd. schrieb:
> Could you rename it something besides Cinelerra for version 3?
> As the creator of Cinelerra, we have a different schedule & feature set
> and would like to avoid the confusion of a version 3 from website B
> which is released before a version 2.2 from website A....

Well, it's time to make the "Cin-3" thing into a separate project more
officially. Choosing a Name and setting up an initial roadmap.

It started last Summer with discussions of some Cinelerra-CV coders and
community members about the state of the current codebase, problems we
encountered while trying to extend, fix and use it for editing work in
larger projects. These discussions were techique centric. We know what
users request and need for using Cinelerra, e.g. in small News and TV
stations or indie film projects. Video editing for Linux in general
and Cinelerra especially are /almost there/ -- but only almost.

At that time, I wrote a road map for reworking some parts of the existing
Cinelerra codebase, deep down in the core. Christian Thaeter set up an
initial Manifesto and supporting infrastructure. We invited Adam and
the other Cinelerra-CV coders to participate, but we didn't yet announce
it on the Mailinglist and we agreed to avoid "UI discussions" for now.
Hence the preliminary name "Cinelerra-3".

I want to take the opportunity to thank Adam and the other Cinelerra
coders for bringing us to the point where we are now. This new project
is very much rooted in Cinelerra, most of us use Cinelerra frequently for
their own editing work, we continue to use the terms coined by Cinelerra
and we still judge its technological approach being basically right.

In the following months we got a much more clear picture by analyzing and
drafting and coding into the details. Meanwhile, we have built up some
infrastructure like: source tree, includes, build system(s), automatic
test suite, API doc and wiki based design documentation.

Christian focused on the data backend, including data access, support
library, plugin system, organizing video and audio frame handling based
on existing external libraries and planning a frame cache system that will
go beyond what Cinelerra provides today. This part will be implemented
in plain-old-C style.

I for my part focused on the middle layer, consisting of the mechanics
supporting the edit operations, organizing a collection of "media objects"
in the EDL(s) and building a render node graph, which can be run by the
backend to cary out the rendering. This part is heavily object oriented
and written in C++

We are determined to make all extending parts beyond the core very modular,
have various plugin extendable subsystems, adapt existing plugin collections,
being entirely scriptable and include a rule based aproach for configuration
within the session/EDL and connecting "media objects".

        Hermann Vosseler

PS: please go ahead and propose a good name for the project...

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