tis 2008-04-15 klockan 10:47 -0400 skrev Gilles Pelletier:
> I am doing the following tutorial:
> http://www.robfisher.net/video/cinelerra2.html
> When I get to the following instructions:
> <quote>
> The fastest way to compose a rough cut of your masterpeice is to use
> two screen editing.
>    1. Position the insertion point at the end of the current video. Do
> this by clicking the Jump to end Jump to end icon icon. (In which
> window?)
>    2. Drag the source clip from the Resource window into the Viewer.
> (I thought it was already in the viewer)
>    3. Position the viewer where you want the next shot to start. (I
> want to splice it at the end)
>    4. Click the In point In point icon icon, or press the '[' key. (I
> put a [ at the end)
>    5. Position the viewer at where you want the next shot to end. (It
> is already at the end)
>    6. Click the Out point Out point icon icon, or press the ']' key.
> (the ] is on top of the [)
>    7. Click the Splice Splice icon icon, or press the 'v' key.  (Here
> something is wrong, because nothing happens)
> Repeat this process to build up your video. You can view the result at
> any point in the Compositor window.
> </quote>
> What am I not understanding?

the [ and ] in the viewer should be around the part you wish to put into
the timeline. move the timeline's whatsitsname scrubbing-thing last in
the timeline and press the splice icon.

Something like that?


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