Am Mittwoch, den 16.04.2008, 11:59 -0400 schrieb Roland:
The idea is interesting for a start. Do you think it is possible? ie : 
> plays many hdv videos for example?

Hi Roland,

just to explain Christian's Idea a bit: the videoplayer will use the
same backend code as Lumiera, and it creates a similar situation as
we expect to have in the App: there you may have background rendering
going on, maybe another render job running, and at the same time you
may want to watch a video in the viewer and scrub through the
composer/timeline (which will fetch background-rendered frames and
maybe some additional frames).

Building a videoplayer allowes to do stress-tests on the backend code,
which needs to get all this frame-fetching and delivering right and
performant. The focus is not so much on the I/O throughput, which,
of course much depends on your hardware and underlying system.
For example, playing several HDV videos in paralel requires that your
disk/IO/system can get quite a lot of data in very fast. Further, it
requires that you have a lot of processing power "on board" for doing
the decoding. But, /assumed you do have theses capabilities/, the goal
is to write code able to deal with organizing all those video frames
efficiently -- and this is what the video player test app is aiming at.

Hermann V.

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