I was able to find a solution to convert WMV to MPG at this site:

well you didn't....it seems, anyway, you said you used:

mencoder -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1000:vhq -oac mp3lame -lameopts br=98 -o videofile.mpg videofile.wmv

you can try to change videofile.mpg for videofile.avi...about quality, maybe change bitrate for an higher value, but dunno, really it depends on quality of your original wmv...


(The first Google hit for "Cinelerra WMV".)
It clogged up my 2.2 GHz dual core processor for almost ten minutes, and
produced an MPG file of about the same size (44 megabytes) as the
original WMV file. When I view this in Xine, the audio quality is the
same, but the video quality has dropped considerably. When I try to load
the MPG file in Cinelerra, Cinelerra crashes. Is this because it runs
out of resources?

Joona Palaste

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