Where to go from here? What is still needed?

Ok, we are getting higher resolution camera images, and multi-core CPUs,
what in my opinion is still missing in all those approaches to plugin
design, is a solid parallel multi-processing strategy. While it is up to
the author to implement threading inside a plugin, I suggest that a
reusable approach is more viable, and is ultimately less work for anyone
involved. Considering that image processing is for the most cases a task
that is very easy to parallelize, I think its only a matter of finding a
common set of conventions and best practices to get it done. What do you

I would like to reiterate that in any threaded development thread safety is paramount. It does not matter if threading causes many fold improvements in performance if a deadlock causes the whole program to come to a screeching halt like happens all too frequently in Cinelerra now.

Thanks for all the hard work on Cinelerra and on the planning and development of Lumiera.


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