Zitat von percy tiglao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Bug #1: Put two tracks on top of each other. Have the top one at say,
> 50% fade or so. (any fade that isn't 100% has the bug). Have the
> bottom at 0% fade. The bottom track is visible, although it shouldn't
> be. The lower the top track's fade, the more noticable the bug.
> Bug #2: Put two tracks on top of each other. Have the clip on the
> bottom track start a few seconds after the first. Have the top one at
> 50% fade. Mute the bottom track. There is a noticable change in
> brightness when the clip on the bottom track starts.
> Bug #3: Put two tracks on top of each other. Have the top one at 50%
> fade. Change the fade of the bottom track between 0% and 50%. There is
> no difference in output despite the changes on the bottom track's
> fade.
> Three bugs that I found... but they all have to do with the same few
> lines of code in the render engine. Unfortunately, there is a ton of
> copy/paste code in this source file... so most likely this bug exists
> in other forms or on other render settings. However, this patch fixes
> Cinelerra as far as my current project is concerned.

One premise that I buy your argument is that after your patch the software
renderer ("X11" playback driver) and the OpenGL renderer ("X11 OpenGL" playback
driver) produce the exact same result (in the Composition window). And I have
reason to believe that it does not, although I have to meditate a bit more on
this subject. But I'm on vacation currently, and without access to my Cinelerra

-- Hannes

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