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Hi Leandro,

> I was wondering about this subject because up until now I used to 
> export my final video in raw DV and then do the color corrections to 
> that track only, using keyframes -- it worked for me since I only 
> color correct the final "product" (unless it's a "special effect" 
> kind-of correction).
...this works for sure, but the problem is: even raw DV is a slightly
compressed format, thus you get two re-encoding steps.

> But how do I add the same corrections to, lets say, five tracks? You
> add an empty track with the effects on top of the others?
No, this won't work.
Two Ideas: first, you can copy-and-paste the keyframes, i.e. you
adjust the colour correction effect by keyframes on one track, then
you select a range, make sure your "source" track is "armed" and copy.
Then, without changing the selection, arm your destination track, which
should also contain an color correction effect, and choose "paste
keyframes" (shift-v).
Alternatively, you can try to use the rather obscure feature of
"shared modules/shared effects" -- you can access it via the context
menu of the track ("attach..."). It allows you to share an effect
instance or a whole effect stack between several tracks.
Generally, this feature is of rather limited use, but sometime it's
helpful, especially when combined with "apply mask after/before effects"

> Note: I sure hope Lumiera brings an easier way to apply "global" 
> effects, like color correction :)
Yeah, we are aware of all the facets of the problem... :-D

Hermann V.

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