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Hello everybody,

this year's summer vacation allowed me to work a bit on Cinelerra and the
Cin4HV merge.

* Renovation of SVG plugin

As Artenaut mentioned some days ago, the current SVG plugin is broken. I
implemented a workaround using
 - a standard inkscape version (not patched, just using inkscape's
png-export function in contrast to the former RAWC-export which had been
written for cinelerra),
 - convert from the imagemagick package (using the rgba export)
 - rawc-convert, a program written for this workaround, shipped with the
SVG-plugin code (rawc-convert.C) (for creating a valid RAWC header, which
cin expects to be in front of the rgba data)

This workaround is still experimental and lacks still several error checks.
 It would be brilliant if this workaround could be tested under several
distros / setups. Help for various checks (e.g. whether a working inkscape
/ convert is available and produced valid output) is greatly appreciated.

 * New feature: move selection

It is often required to have a selection with the length of a specific part
of the timeline at another position in the timeline. This is easily
possible with this feature:
Just create the selection with the desired length, place the cursor
somewhere else by clicking and holding down at the same time either just
alt or alt and shift. This will create a new selection at the desired
position with the desired length either starting or ending at the current
position of the cursor.

 * New feature: horizontal scrolling for timeline with touchpad

Scrolling horizontally on a touchpad may produce mouse events like button
number 6 or 7 clicked. These are now used for scrolling th timeline
horizontally, while 4 and 5 remain for the vertical scrolling.

 * Bugfix: (horizontal) scrolling is sometimes interpreted as clicks

 * Merge from Cin4HV:

 - synchronize faders only if track is armed

 - 'x' and backspace function in Compositor window.

 - 'asynchronous decoding debugged'
It seems as if this line in HV's Changelog.4 refers only to two small
changes, however this can't be said for sure yet. Nevertheless these
changes could at least theoretically prevent Cin from segfaulting.

Please see
for a complete list of commits.
Checkout branch cin2.1sv from git://git.cinelerra.org/sv/cinelerra to get
the latest source code. NOTE: this is not the official Cin2.1CV git repo.

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