On Tue, 2010-03-30 at 11:25 +1300, E Chalaron wrote:
> Hi all
> Ok here we go again .... something I resolved in the past but cant
> right now.
> >From time to time I update cinelerra and this time again it fails to
> detect Open GL 2.0, which is clearly here... well at least 2.0 :
> glxinfo : OpenGL version string: 3.2.0 NVIDIA 190.53
> So... any idea, all other libs are fine... just this .... and I cant
> really do without it.
> Now it may be linked but my setup is giving me some worries :
> cat /proc/cpuinfo gives me a
> AuthenticAMD
> cpu family    : 16
> model        : 4
> model name    : AMD Processor model unknown

I had a similar problem a couple months back and resolved it by passing
"--enable-opengl" to ./configure.

Here was my trail of tears before Hannes clued me in:


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