On Thu, 2010-07-01 at 13:14 +1200, E Chalaron wrote:
> Hello All
> Is there a way I can export the labels info (comments and timing) from
> my editing ?
> Thanks a lot
> E

I tend to use shell scripts to do stuff like that.  At a simple level:
grep 'LABEL TIME' <edlFileName>.xml

This gives you a list of labels and the location on the timeline in
<LABEL TIME="5.1171120000000002e+02" TEXTSTR="label text #1"></LABEL>
<LABEL TIME="9.5378616666666665e+02" TEXTSTR="label text #2"></LABEL>
<LABEL TIME="1.1148804333333333e+03" TEXTSTR="label text #3"></LABEL>
<LABEL TIME="1.6065382666666667e+03" TEXTSTR=""></LABEL>
<LABEL TIME="1.8691339333333333e+03" TEXTSTR=""></LABEL>
<LABEL TIME="1.8737719000000000e+03" TEXTSTR=""></LABEL>

Then you'd extract the times and the label text:
grep 'LABEL TIME' <edlFileName>.xml | sed 's/.*TIME="\(.*\)"
TEXTSTR="\(.*\)".*/\1 \2/g' | sed 's/e//g' | nl
     1  5.1171120000000002+02 labl txt #1
     2  9.5378616666666665+02 labl txt #2
     3  1.1148804333333333+03 labl txt #3
     4  1.6065382666666667+03 
     5  1.8691339333333333+03 
     6  1.8737719000000000+03

Multiline labels would be an issue, but sed can do it..refer to my post

But then of course, you'd prolly want to convert the times into
something more useful than seconds, maybe minutes and seconds:
grep 'LABEL TIME' <edlFileName>.xml | sed 's/.*TIME="\(.*\)"TEXT.*/\1/g'
| sed 's/e//g' | awk -F+ '{convert=$1*(10^$2);print convert,convert/60}'
| nl
     1  511.711 8.52852
     2  953.786 15.8964
     3  1114.88 18.5813
     4  1606.54 26.7756
     5  1869.13 31.1522
     6  1873.77 31.2295

And then it goes on from there..oh, the joy.

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