Have you tried the config such as
--disable-mmx --enable-opengl
mmx is failing all the time and from what I understand you will get much better 
with sse2 etc ... so not a real issue. 
But developpers might correct me on this one

--- On Thu, 25/11/10, Jogchum Reitsma <j.reit...@hccnet.nl> wrote:

From: Jogchum Reitsma <j.reit...@hccnet.nl>
Subject: Re: [CinCV] [ANNOUNCE] Cinelerra 2.1.5CV
To: cinelerra@skolelinux.no
Date: Thursday, 25, November, 2010, 8:04 AM


  Op 23-11-10 21:10, E Chalaron schreef:

      On suse 11.3 too. 

      git pull /make / install piece of cake



      compiled well on fedora14.

    Not so here: opensuse 11.3 64-bit. autogen and configure runs well,
    be it with some warnings, most of which i can tackle, but not all of
    them. Compilation fails then with


    libtool: link: ar cru .libs/libmpeg2enc.a .libs/conform.o
    .libs/mpeg2enc.o .libs/putseq.o .libs/putpic.o .libs/puthdr.o
    .libs/putmpg.o .libs/putvlc.o .libs/putbits.o .libs/predict.o
    .libs/readpic.o .libs/writepic.o .libs/transfrm.o .libs/fdctref.o
    .libs/idct.o .libs/quantize.o .libs/ratectl.o .libs/stats.o
    .libs/motion.o .libs/cpu_accel..o .libs/fdct_mmx.o .libs/fdctdata.o
    .libs/idct_mmx.o .libs/idctdata.o .libs/quant_mmx.o
    .libs/quantize_x86.o .libs/predict_mmx.o .libs/predcomp_mmxe.o

    ar: .libs/fdct_mmx.o: No such file or directory


    on missing fdct_mmx.o; in the failing command line I see some more
    files I don't have and can't find, even using the search-the-web
    feature of Yast2.


    I googled a similar complaint with Ubuntu Hardy, but it wasn't
    solved there.


    Can you provide me with the name of the library containing this
    file(s), and/or point me to the place you got them?


    Thanks in advance!


    regards, Jogchum


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