Hello everybody, I am new on this list.

I installed cinelerracv-smp on a quadcore with Ubuntu-Studio-10.10-alternate (Maverick Meerkat )
from the source-code, by adwises from " Cinelerra for grandma ".

The problem:
If I start cinelerra either by Menu or by terminal, cinelerra-gui starts,
but immediately it logs me (the user ) out.
(screen gets dark, an I find myself at the graphical-prompt to log in again.

Ofcourse I installed cinelerra as root at /opt.
Everything went ok., seamingly.
There are no rights at /etc/group video for me/the user.
shouldn't it  ? ...
At /etc/gshadow there is only an entrence " video:*:: "

I don't know if this is in connection with the problem.

Do you have any idears ?

Greatings  Walter

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