Hum, you're right, it's documented in . 
After browsing ffmpeg's git repository, it appears that hqdn3d has been ported 
to ffmpeg... today at 13:03 ! 

I don't know imagemagick enough to give you any advice on how to denoise with 

To denoise your tiff sequence, why don't you use one of mplayer's denoising 
filters inside or outside ffmpeg and then reexport images as tiff (with -vcodec 
tiff) ? (Assuming that you need pictures to be in tiff format for colour 

If you don't mind converting your RGB24 tiff to YV12, or perhaps before 
converting your footage (assuming it's YCbCr) to RGB24, another option would be 
to use avisynth (running under wine). There are a lot of denoising filters 
(mostly working in YV12 or YUY2 color formats) that you can choose according to 
your processing power and quality needs. A very good one : FFT3DFilter 
( An excellent but slower 
one : MCTemporalDenoise ( You 
can process your tiff sequence with ImageSource() internal filter.

A third option would be to use gmic ( with 
'-denoise' option.

My 2 cents.

----- Mail Original -----
De: "E Chalaron" <>
Envoyé: Dimanche 5 Décembre 2010 21h23:47 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne 
/ Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Re: [CinCV] libavfilter

Merci Julien
I understood that hqdn3d was part of libavfilter now .. but thanks for
the script.
However I am still trying to find a way of denoising St8mm RGB24 data
from TIFF sequence before doing the colour correction.
I might try to use image magick in a script or something ?


On 06/12/10 08:24, wrote:
> AFAIK, hqdn3d is a filter of mplayer, not ffmpeg. You can use mplayer to 
> produce your denoised mpeg-2 file.
> Generally speaking, if you really want to apply one ore several video effects 
> in mplayer, then perform some conversion with ffmpeg, it's possible by 
> redirecting mplayer's output to a fifo.
> Example :
> mkfifo /tmp/stream.y4m
> ffmpeg -i /tmp/stream.y4m -target pal-dvd VMX.mpeg &
> mplayer VMX.dv -vf hqdn3d=2:1:2 -vo yuv4mpeg:file=/tmp/stream.y4m
> rm /tmp/stream.y4m
> Of course, it's easier to use mplayer directly in this case. I give this info 
> because there are cases where ffmpeg is definitely needed after mplayer (eg. 
> producing a dnxhd stream).
> You can put the appropriate commands in a script and run it from cinelerra 
> with YUV4MPEG pipe output.

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