Thanks, Hermann!

I did run 'echo "0x7fffffff" > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax' as root, but Cinelerra 
crashed when I tried to edit some videos. 

Message: 5
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2010 06:42:11 +0100
From: Ichthyostega <>
Subject: Re: [CinCV] cinelerra startup error in Ubuntu 10.10 64bit

Paul Chang schrieb:
> Installed cinelerra in Ubuntu 10.10 64bit. Every time, when I tried to start
> cinelerra, I got an error message as shown in the attached screen shot. Any
> fix suggestion and work-around is highly appreciated!

Hi Paul Chang,

the most simple fix is right below your nose: do as Cinelerra tells you!

| Before running Cinelerra, do the following as root
| echo "0x7fffffff" > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax

This command tells your OS kernel to allow individual programs to use
more shared memory, which is what Cinelerra needs.
Because such a setting could be used for a denial-of-service-attack,
only the root user is allowed to do such a setting.

Thus, at a console, you call "sudo -i" to get a "root console"
and there you can issue this command.

Which creates kind of a twist. Not every user is capable of running this
command. Moreover it gets annoying if you have to do it every time you boot your
computer again. Thus, from here on there are several options to make your life
better and let Cinelerra complain less...
- put it somewhere into the system configuration, so this command is executed at
  boot automatically
- write a wrapper script to start Cinelerra
- some pre compiled packages even install such an wrapper script automatically
  (if I recall correct, the "Akirad" packages do this).

Now it's a bit difficult to help you further without knowing your skill level.
How familiar are you with unix like operating systems? Do you know how to
write a little shell script? Do you know how to handle the Unix permissions?

Maybe someone else on the list can give more informations about a precompiled
packages (I compiled Cinelerra myself, thus I can't say much about that topic)

Hermann V.

Cinelerra mailing list

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