2011/1/28 Herman Robak <her...@skolelinux.no>

> On Fri, 28 Jan 2011 14:22:51 +0100, Rebecca <beccato...@hotmail.com>
> wrote:
>  In terms of things I think Cinelerra needs to improve on –
>> Interface
>> I don’t actually think this is a really big deal.Sure a more attractive
>> interface would be a bonus, but honestly I thinka reskin on the level of
>> what Cinecutie did is adequate.
> I agree.  At least in the short term.
> And that is pretty low hanging fruit.
>  Transitions
>> I come down firmly on the side of not transitioning between tracksby
>> default – I like the way transitions are displayed now. It would be nice if
>> they could be “dragged” to increase or decreaselength rather than
>> right-clicking and manually assigning a length,
> There is another snag with transitions: They are applied _before_
> the effects.  If you have applied some different colour and contrast
> effects to scene A and scene B, then add a transition between them,
> then scene A will "snap" to raw and uncorrected when the transitions
> starts.  Making transitons "post-effect" would likely be a rather
> invasive change.  But it's the only way to make grading and transitions
> in one pass, with acceptable results.

Another problem with transitions in the same track, you do not have an
easier time controlling the first video.

If you put 2 videos and a transition, the transition will show the first
video frozen. To fix this, you have to shorten the video from behind.

If the transition was between two tracks, it would be easy to see where the
transition begins and ends.

On the other hand, to make a slideshow, it is an advantage to have the
transition in a single track, speed and simplicity.


>  Functionality
>> Finally, but probably most importantly, some words on
>> generalfunctionality.  I am actually pretty happy overall with Cinelerraand
>> its capabilities.  I think the most glaring absence is thenested sequences
>> feature –
> Yes!  It's direly needed for larger projects.
> --
> Herman Robak
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