> The problem with Cinelerra export of EDL is it gives each and every shot
> the same Reel name as "cin0000". But if cinelerra exported the file name in
> the place of REEL_NAME="cin0000" as REEL_NAME="MVI_0002.MOV" my job would
> be easier. Is there any tool to do this stuff? Or any XML related tool
> which automatically takes the file name of the shot and fill the REEL_NAME
> field?

Hi there,

I'm not sure if there is a tool for it. You can, however, do a script that
does exactly what you want:

1. You'd find the line of each of your movies, probably searching for
"<ASSET SRC=" in your XML;
2. Then you'd retrieve the name of each movie from the lines you've found
in an array;
3. Your "REEL_NAME=" information is just about 4 lines below every item
you've just found, so you could use a "for" and replace each "REEL_NAME="
content (cin0000) with the names of the movies, accordingly.

I'm doing a script that has about the same logic, but for a different
purpose (update JPG proxies to TIF final files in the XML) and that's how
I'm doing, sort of.

Now, tell me. Could you describe exactly how you can make Blender read
Cinelerra's XML? I am very interested in it. If you could describe
everything that is needed (in a form I can reproduce it here), step by
step, it will be most appreciated, from the point that you have a final EDL
coming from Cinelerra until you reach the very final render (to go to DVDs,
internet, etc).

rock on,

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