Dear Cinelerra Team,

some monthes ago I stumbled upon your software on the net. It is very exiting 
to see a such good tool. After watching several videos it looked quite powerful 
to me.
I think the most of the video editors are on mac platform and it is mostly even 
impossible to try your software.
Do you plan to go for mac. I think it is the best way to pick the users up. might help in that case. Many people would support 
such a move. and could help to spread the 
message in the world of video editors.
I dont know about your concept and it seems not very obvious. The site looks 
like an underground movement. The news are from the last year.
You might observe that already moved towards mac.

The video-market seems very confused at the moment. Final Cut X is only half 
professional. There are additional effect tools needed. Sound editing seems to 
be not complete. External software is possibly necessary. Premiere is slow in 
rendering and things are missing also. Avid is still expensive. So what to do? 
It would be interesting if you share your plans.
All the best for you!

Best regards
Ivan Olelenko

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