
On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 5:30 PM, WalterStoepfgeshoff <w.stoepfgesh...@gmx.de
> wrote:

>  Hello everyone,
> On Ubuntu-studio 12.04 Precise Pangolin, 64bit, I am running Cinelerra
> 2.2cv.
> The duration-size of a project in Cinelerra is limited by a green vertikal
> line
> in the timeline, in my projects.
> This green line varies it's position, from project to project.
> I don't know why, what are the determining parameters.
> It was posible to create a project of more than 2 ours.
> An other time the project was limited througt this green line to 1:45 our.
> One time I could only finish the project, by splitting the hole project
> into
> two pices, and creating another couple of tracks where I filled in the
> second part.
> Both i rendered seperatedly and connected them on the console later.
> Now, all with a sudden I realize that my actual project ist limited to
> 0:32:00.320 ours.
> 32 minutes,but my project in fact has almost 2 ours.
> If I delete the ~.bcast-device  there is no green limiting line at all.
> I would like to learn what parameters determine the duration-size of a
> projekt by these green line.
> And, now when I scoll into the time-size, I have to realize this green
> line consists of two green lines close by another.
> The one at 0:32:00.00 the other at 0:32:00.360 .
> My Questions:
> 1) What parameters determine these two green lines?
> 2) How can I gain control over them, so that I can adjust it, for that my
> project
> fits in, what ever size it has.
> 3) What ist the difference between the two green lines, and how can I
> adjust each one.
> best greetings
> Walter Stöpfgeshoff
> Seems you stuck the 'loop playback' feature. Shift+L toggles it.
Settings->Loop playback. Reading the manual is highliy recommended.

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