-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Craig Shelley <craig.d.shel...@gmail.com>
To: cinelerra@skolelinux.no
Subject: FIXED: proxychange.py WAS: Proxy editing: Masks and
Projector/Camera automation
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2013 20:15:02 +0000

On Sun, 2013-03-10 at 14:43 +0000, Craig Shelley wrote:
> Hello,
> I have just finished quite a complex proxy edit. It is one of the more
> complicated edits I have ever done, with 17 video tracks, and heavy
> usage of the camera/projector/masks and effect keyframes.
> I'm having a few problems with
> http://cinelerra.org/docs/proxychange.py/proxychange.py and the mask
> automation.
> Is there an updated version of proxychange.py?
> Regards,
> Craig

Hello again,

To get this to work, I've made the following changes to proxychange.py

1. Added code to support resizing of project output
2. Added code to support resizing of assets
3. Added code to support resizing of all tracks
4. Added code to support replacing of all asset file names
5. Added code to support resizing of all mask automation
6. Added code to support correct positioning of camera x,y automation
7. Added code to support correct positioning of projector x,y automation
8. Deactivated camera_z automation scaling


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