On Sun, 6 Apr 2014 17:24:29 -0400
Nicola Ferralis <feran...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> So as of today, I will no longer maintain the PPA, I 
> won't even look at bug reports and respond to emails. Current binaries 
> will remain available,

A real pity, and probably mainly the result of that completely 
unjustifiable mail from Collins. 

And though I may not be the normal Linux user (I actually like compiling
my programs and for most programs do), I appreciate efforts like yours
to provide the means for others to enjoy software like Cinelerra. I 
admire and applaud the efforts of all package maintainers (even if I
don't use packages), as it certainly is one of the most under-appreciated 
efforts in the FOSS chain...

So, I would really find it sad to see the end-users being the victim of
some temporary splash of words... 

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