On Mon, Apr 16, 2007 at 05:09:34PM +0100, Phil Mayers wrote:
> That traffic rate should be well within the reach of a PFC-only system. 
> Is that the only traffic going through the box?

few hundred megs of other traffic at most. So yeah it really shouldn't
be a big deal for the box.

> What do the various "sh platform hardware capacity" report, including 
> "forwarding", "cpu", "multicast" and so forth?

running SXE6 so that command does not exist.

> sh mls ip multicast statistics

#sh mls ip multicast statistics
MLS Multicast configuration and state:
Counters last cleared                         Never
Router Mac                                    000f.35ef.e400
MLS multicast operating state                 ACTIVE

Layer 3 Switching H/W Version                PFC III
Maximum number of allowed outstanding message 20
Maximum size reached from feQ                 163
Maximum size reached from screq               0
Feature Notification sent (simple/rtr-mac)    1/2
Feature Notification Ack received             3
Unsolicited Feature Notification received     2
MSM sent/Received                             4759235/4759235
Delete notifications received                 0
sgc oif delete notifications received         0
Flow Statistics messages received             1988517
Restart Notification messages received        0
Cleanup Send/Resp-rx seq number               0/0
                       TLV statistics
TLV TYPE                       SENT        ACK         NACK
Flow Install                   6315        6315        0           0
Flow Delete                    6163        6163        0           0
Flow update                    4495617     4495617     0           0
Complete Flow Install          2366        2366        0           0
Complete Flow Delete           1           1           0           0
Input Vlan Delete              0           0           0           0
Input Secondary Vlan Delete    0           0           0           0
Output Vlan Delete             0           0           0           0
Group Delete                   0           0           0           0
Global Delete                  0           0           0           0
Subnet Install                 3021060     71          3020989     0
Subnet Delete                  49          49          0           0
RP Update                      0           0           0           0
RPDF Update                    0           0           0           0
Cleanup                        1           2           0           -1
MVRF Create                    0           0           0           0
MVRF Delete                    0           0           0           0
Create mdt                     0           0           0           0
Delete mdt                     0           0           0           0
Add Tx mdt                     0           0           0           0
Del Tx mdt                     0           0           0           0
Add Rx mdt                     0           0           0           0
Del Rx mdt                     0           0           0           0
Purge Tx mdt                   0           0           0           0
P2P tunnel Add                 0           0           0           0
P2P tunnel Del                 0           0           0           0

                       TLV Error statistics
L2 entry not found error                      0
Generic error                                 0
LTL entry not found error                     0
MET entry not found error                     0
L3 entry exists error                         0
Hash collision error                          0
L3 entry not found error                      0
Bidir-RP not found error                      0
Unable to find RPF for PVLAN flows error      0
SG existed with wrong RPF                     0
SG existed with RPF interface mismatch        0

                       Other statistics
Maximum size sc_reqQ can reach                400000
Maximum size feQ can reach                    600000
#of queued ACKs/#of queued statistics/#FN     0/0/0
Replication mode changed:2

> sh mls ip multicast summary

#sh mls ip multicast summary
152 MMLS entries using 48288 bytes of memory
Number of partial hardware-switched flows: 0
Number of complete hardware-switched flows: 152

Directly connected subnet entry install is enabled
Hardware shortcuts for mvpn mroutes supported
Current mode of replication is Ingress
Consistency checker is enabled
Bidir gm-scan-interval: 10

Colin Whittaker                                         +353 (0)86 8211 965
http://colin.netech.ie                             colin@(magnet|netech).ie
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archive at http://puck.nether.net/pipermail/cisco-nsp/

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