I does seem like dynamic would be more risky, but in practice I have
found that running LACP is alot better than "channel mode on".  It takes
a few seconds longer to start up, but does a very good job of protecting
against unbound interfaces.

Holemans Wim wrote:
> We just got bitten by a serious etherchannel problem : we have an 2 gig
> etherchannel link between 2 campus.
> Someone on the other end misconfigured an interface (typed 6/1 instead
> of 1/6)  and had overwritten the allowed vlans on one of the interfaces.
> As a result of this, the interface was thrown out of the bundle (at that
> side only) BUT the interface stayed UP. On the other campus, both
> interfaces 
> stayed in the bundle with very big problems as a result : the 6500 at
> that side considered both lines as valid and distributed the packets
> over both interfaces, sending half of the traffic in 'space'. 
> If the interface had gone down as a result of the unbundling, there
> would have been no problem. We only use static channel settings, so not
> etherchannel negotiations between switches. Can this be solved with
> dynamic etherchannel bundling ? Or someone has another solution for this
> problem ?
> Wim Holemans
> Networkservices University of Antwerp
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