I would agree with you that the performance will be much better, and the
price is not that much worse. Regardless, if your interested in nbar and
dropping peer to peer, this seems to work for me:

class-map match-all ICMP
 match protocol icmp
class-map match-any PEER2PEER
 match protocol fasttrack
 match protocol edonkey
 match protocol gnutella
 match protocol kazaa2
 match protocol bittorrent
 match protocol napster
policy-map DROP
 class PEER2PEER
 class ICMP
   police 8000 1000 conform-action transmit  exceed-action drop

SIOGMC-IRTR01#sh policy-map int ser 0/0/0:0

  Service-policy input: DROP

    Class-map: PEER2PEER (match-any)
      4286 packets, 1224059 bytes
      30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: protocol fasttrack
        675 packets, 36724 bytes
        30 second rate 0 bps
      Match: protocol edonkey
        604 packets, 679846 bytes
        30 second rate 0 bps
      Match: protocol gnutella
        816 packets, 335550 bytes
        30 second rate 0 bps
      Match: protocol kazaa2
        0 packets, 0 bytes
        30 second rate 0 bps
      Match: protocol bittorrent
        2191 packets, 171939 bytes
        30 second rate 0 bps
      Match: protocol napster
        0 packets, 0 bytes
        30 second rate 0 bps

    Class-map: ICMP (match-all)
      6117950 packets, 431232265 bytes
      30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: protocol icmp
          cir 8000 bps, bc 1000 bytes
        conformed 6086423 packets, 426638532 bytes; actions:
        exceeded 1807 packets, 2368194 bytes; actions:
        conformed 0 bps, exceed 0 bps

Nick Griffin, CCIE #17381

On Jan 10, 2008 8:31 AM, Justin Shore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Kristofer Sigurdsson wrote:
> > Hi list,
> >
> > I'm looking for words of wisdom on NBAR on the 2800s.  The main link is
> 100
> > Mbit/s (at present maxing in 60 Mbit/s bursts, average 30 Mbit/s).  We
> will
> > implement a 20 Mbit/s backup link in the next few weeks.  Both links are
> > delivered as fastethernet links on copper.  We would like to be able to
> > block P2P, or at least most of the P2P.  We will use a 2821 (currently
> in
> > use for the main link without NBAR) for the backup link, which I believe
> is
> > more than enough, but I'm a bit puzzled about the main one  It will be a
> > separate router, the bean counters will push for a 2821, but I believe
> that
> > will not be enough.  How about a 2851?
> I would caution you against using a 2800 (or any ISR) for this
> application.  The ISRs have very limited throughput.  A couple years ago
> 87Mbps might have seemed like a lot.  It doesn't seem like a lot now and
> will definitely leave you short in the near future.
> http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/765/tools/quickreference/routerperformance.pdf
> Your existing router is already undersized for the 100Mbps link you have
> on it.  Through NBAR on it and you'll really be hitting a wall.
> I would recommend you push the bean counters towards a different router.
>  The 7201 would be a good sized router for what you want to do.  How
> much growth are you expecting?  Fight off the bean counters with the
> argument of the router being maxed out at capacity from day 1.  A 7201
> with Advanced IP (you want the NBAR features) is $28.5k.  A loaded 2821
> with 1GB of RAM and Advanced IP is $12,145.  The 7201 has 4x the GigE
> interfaces w/ builtin SFP slots to boot whereas the ISR only has 2 and
> no built SFP slots.  The 7201 has roughly 6x the capacity of the 2821
> for 2.5x the price plus all the other benefits.  That's the direction
> I'd push.
> > Another thing.  How good is NBAR these days?  I have zero experience
> with
> > it.  Can it effectively block P2P?  Can we mark and even prioritize
> VoIP?
> > In short: does it work?
> Someone else will have to answer this.
> Justin
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