On Tue, 2008-01-22 at 09:15 +0000, Mohamed Ahmad wrote: 
> Hi everyone,
> I just wanted to see how many of you guys took some CCNP exams (and
>  studied for them :)) while in full time employment?

Don't know if CCIP counts, but if it does I can say yes.

> I am thinking of taking the first exam but was wondering if someone
>  would like to share their experiences? Any advice (e.g. did you take
>  time off work (used your holidays for that, or spoke to your employer
>  to get some 'extra time off'?).

Our employer technically gives us time off for studying, but most of the
studying was in spare time in weekends and evenings. It all depends on
whether your employer understands what benefit your exam is for their

>   Also I'm not quite sure how much time I will need for the first exam,
>  if I were to do a bit of studying after work each day (which is going
>  to be fun :)).  Let me know if you've gone through it.  Thanks  

I took two of the four exams as self study and used a couple of weeks of
intensive reading before each exam. I'd recommend taking the courses if
you can find someone to pay for it; even though it's not dirt cheap it's
well worth the money. (As long as it's not my own money! ;-)

I found it invaluable to be able to use long stretches of time, e.g.
weekends, for reading. For me the "one hour here, one hour there"
doesn't really work, but YMMV.


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