>  Still, I almost fell out my chair at the "Cisco is flawless" comment.
>  Look, those people with all those headaches with the 6500 on the 6500 vs
>  7600 thread...  they're not lying.  The split got off to a shaky start
>  and it aggravated a lot of people.   A lot of those boxes got ripped out
>  of networks because every new IOS was deferred or redacted.  I
>  personally spent a lot of time at my previous job banging my head
>  against the wall troubleshooting them.  I guess its a lot better now
>  that time has passed and some wrinkles got ironed out, but man...

I'm pretty sure the "Cisco is flawless" comment had 101% of sarcasm.
Who wrote it seems to have suffered the same we all have.

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