Justin Shore wrote:
Felix Nkansah wrote:
Thanks guys.

I thought it has some special shutdown procedures or commands.

Some of the linecards should be commanded to shutdown prior to cutting power to the chassis. Interface linecards aren't a concern but those that have special functions are essentially servers on a linecards. IDSM2, FWSMs, ACEs, SLBs, and the WebVPN module I believe are examples of linecards that should be told to shutdown gracefully before cutting off power to the chassis. Figure out which modules are in what slot with 'show module' and then use 'hw-module module X shutdown' to shutdown the appropriate modules. 'show module' will tell you when the linecard is offline.
I nearly replied to this thread sooner, because I'd always been told to shut down the FWSMs gracefully before pulling the power. But when I google'd it I couldn't actually find anything to support this. The closest I could find was from the FWSM FAQ at http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/modules/ps2706/products_qanda_item09186a00801e9e26.shtml which states:

Q. The FWSM has a label that states, "Do not remove card while status light is green or disk corruption may occur." What does this mean?

A. The firewall module should be removed only after you disable power using one of these methods. (There is no preference for a particular method.)

* Use the command-line interface (CLI) of the switch and issue one of these commands.
             o CatOS - set module power down mod
             o Cisco IOSĀ® Software - no power enable module slot
       * Press the shutdown button on the blade.
       * Physically power down the chassis.

   You can remove the module safely when the status light is longer green.

So "no preference for a particular method" certainly seems to be saying that it's OK to just pull the plug on FWSMs.

On the other hand the documentation is very clear about the ACE module:


* Step 1 Before you remove the module from the chassis, enter the no power enable module command in configure mode at the switch or router CLI to properly shut down the module to prevent data loss.

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