Adrian Chadd wrote:

Please yank the first year computer science curriculum bit which provides
the student with the clue required to algorithmically determine the smallest
set of permit/deny's keeping the above semantics correct. Then do some basic
analysis to find out what the resource bounds are on determining that.
Oh, then prove that you can evaluate it in "more or less O(1) time". Go on,
I dare you :)

You're right - point definitely taken.  :)

Without wanting to get into a discussion about the relative merits of sundry CS curricula: I didn't mean that the solution to this exact problem, or close variants of it, are taught in introductory CS. What I meant was more that the underlying, formal methodological intuitions are taught, or at least should be taught, as far as I know, as a key pedagogical point.

In other words, it ought to occur to someone doing this type of implementation that subjecting thousands to tens of thousands of packets per second to one or more sets of linear evaluations of arbitrary size is going to be murderously inefficient, and that a different approach should be taken.

I don't know a lot about the hardware anatomy of a lot of these devices, and especially the ASIC-assisted software components. But I do know their overall processing power is not typically very much, in the grand scheme of things, as compared to commodity PC hardware, so if they are handling some of the PPS loads we're discussing every day, then surely the data structures in which these endless webs of ACLs are stored and which are traversed when matching ACL criteria are not simple, naive linear lists. I haven't done a detailed study, of course, and that seems impossible to do without some access to IOS internals, but from an intuitive perspective as a systems developer it seems computationally impossible.

Of course, the fact that I, personally, find something counterintuitive is no testament of any scientific credibility to its impossibility or nonexistence. :)

Now, I suggest you go back and read how iptables / ipfw / pf rules
are actually -parsed- and -handled- in the various *NIXes you speak of.
I've done this exercise and I'll give you a hint - rules are evaluated
much the same as they are on the Cisco, except in some cases the evaluation
doesn't stop at first hit and there are other gotchas (like "match X goto rule
Y"). Go figure out why.

I know how they are parsed and evaluated from a superficial perspective. Our observational language and our ontology about these rules is founded to a great extent on the linear form and order of precedence that those rules take in the user interface and the state machine that is described to us.

What I was taking for granted is that in the back end of the packet filter, implemented inside the cavernous interior of the kernel beyond the reach of various APIs, libraries and state databases, these rules take a very different form than what is handed to the user or accessor in the representational realm. It seems fairly obvious that there must be some very erudite, learned hashing or tree-building going on.

-- Alex

Alex Balashov
Evariste Systems
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