
We are all human and can tend to go off on someone especially when bad
things happen.  I've been in your shoes before and I can certainly
understand your side.  It shows you are a man of good character by posting
this publicly.  Thanks for the links, I am sure I will learn some stuff I
didn't know before.


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Bertrand [] 
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2009 7:51 PM
To: Richey
Cc: Cisco-NSP Mailing List
Subject: Re: [c-nsp] Metro E best practices

Richey, I am very sorry. My response is not typical of my normal actions.

I've had a significant tragedy happen, and I completely took it out on
you. This is no excuse, but nonetheless.

 There are no words that can describe how bad that I feel. If words
could describe it, they would be "ashamed", "embarrassed" and "loss of
respect for myself". I still can't believe that I acted in such a way in
front of all of my peers. Instead of hiding, I thought I'd respond and
learn a little about humility, and being humble.

> I did some searches but
> most everything I keep turning up is marketing speak.


> As to re-tasking some
> routers that are no longer in use, are you kidding me?  Am I the only one
> that finds it wasteful to take a perfectly good box and change it's role?

No, you are not. I've done the same thing, and I still do.

> I was looking for some best practices, not how to do it,  hence the "Best
> Practices" and not "How do I setup a metro e from scratch?"

Ok, the books and docs that I've read over the last couple of years that
I recommend highly (given that I don't know exactly what type of info
you are looking for):

...and the mandatory ones:



ps. I'm truly sorry, Richey. I apologize to you, and everyone on this list.

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