On 25/09/2009 17:36, Jason Gurtz wrote:
I was about to write a little perl to further address the recent outcry
over the cisco.com Java misfeatures when lo, I discovered
ftp://download-sj.cisco.com will accept my cco login id/pass.  I poked
around and discovered /cisco/ios and /cisco/ciscosecure/pix seemed to have
what I'd be looking for.

Is this new or just a secret DL feature?

not at all. This is ftp.cisco.com - the original download area which was available before http even existed.

pixiedust:/home/nick> host ftp.cisco.com |grep address
ftp.cisco.com has address
pixiedust:/home/nick> host download-sj.cisco.com | grep address
download-sj.cisco.com has address

You won't find crypto images there, but it has lots of other stuff, and is massively easier to negotiate than the web site.


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